Jason Zwolak
Custom Scientific Software Developer InSilica Labs 300 W. Silverleaf St. Greer, SC 29650 Email: jzwolak@gmail.com Tel: 540-239-6444 Web Pages: www.insilicalabs.comProfile in LinkedIn
Profile in ResearchGate
Previous Position at VT: PhD student, 2001-04; Postdoc, 2005-08.
Jason studied under John Tyson and Layne T. Watson at Virginia Tech for his masters and PhD in computer science as specifically applied to computational biology. He followed this work with modelling in frog egg extracts as a post doc under the guidance of John Tyson. In 2008, he finished his work at Virginia Tech and went to start his own business building custom applications and software for scientific computing. He continues to work on projects for the Tyson lab as well as other labs around the world.
Areas of Interest
Jason has interest and experience with parallel computing, scientific computing, high performance computing, human computer interaction, web applications, and desktop applications. He particularly likes to put these skills and tools together to make computers work for people and help them to get their job done.
In the area of parallel computing, Jason has experience with Beowulf clusters, MPI, CUDA, and GPU computing. He also has experience taking the untaped power of modern multi-core processers and GPUs on desktop computers and putting them to use for the scientist.
He has experience writing applications in Qt, Java Swing, and Gtk+ toolkits for graphical user interfaces. He has used Perl, Ruby, Python, C, Java, and Fortran for the underlying power behind the user interface. Welding the best language for the need at hand to speed application development, to speed application performance, and to lower development costs.
Jason has developed the software Parameter Estimation Toolkit (PET) which has a graphical interface that allows users to twiddle and to find the optimal parameter set for a molecular model that fits the experimental data.
Ph.D. | 2004 | Virginia Tech, Computer Science. |
M.S. | 2001 | Virginia Tech, Computer Science. |
B.S. | 1999 | Virginia Tech, Computer Engineering. |
Professional Experience
2008-present | Owner of InSilica Labs and custom software developer. |