Rajat Singhania
Bioinformatics Programmer LifeLabsGenetics.com 175 Galaxy Blvd., Toronto, ON Canada M9W 0C9 Email: rajat.singhania@lifelabs.comrajitz@gmail.com Tel: 647-631-4325
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Previous positions at VT: PhD student, 2005-11; Project Assoc., May-Dec 2011.
Current Research Interests
My first research project in the lab involved building a so-called "hybrid model" of mammalian cell cycle control. Purely discrete (Boolean-based) models that represent the activation or inactivation of proteins in regulatory networks are too crude, whereas purely continuous (ODEs-based) are both hard to parameterize and relatively difficult to build. The hybrid model, which uses ODEs for cyclins that contain Boolean variables to represent cyclin regulators, has been able to successfully simulate flow cytometry data from colon carcinoma cells. This work shall be submitted for publication very soon!!
These days I am working on another project which involves finding 3-node regulatory motifs that display a certain characteristic behavior, such as signal adaptation. This work shall be submitted for publication a few months before my expected graduation in May 2010.
Ph.D. | 2011 | Virginia Tech, Genomics, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. |
B.S. | 2005 | Virginia Tech, Computer Science. |
Professional Experience
Jan-Nov 2012 | Research Fellow, Cincinnati Children's Hospital, Medical Center, OH. |
Summer 2007 | Internship at Merrimack Pharmaceuticals, Cambridge, MA. |