%% %%%%%% MATLAB ODE Simulation of the Budding Yeast Cell Cycle %%%%%% %% % The ODE model is taken from Chen(2004): % Chen, K.C. and Calzone, L. and Csikasz-Nagy, A. and Cross, F.R. and % Novak, B. and Tyson, J.J. 2004. Integrative analysis of cell cycle % control in budding yeast, Molecular Biology of the Cell 15:3841-3862 % The equations and parameters were downloaded from % http://mpf.biol.vt.edu/research/budding_yeast_model/model_download/bychen04.ode % and converted into MATLAB code by Kartik Subramanian (VirginiaTech) and % Kamaludin Dingle (Oxford Univ.). September 2010. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% main_yeast.m %% % This is the main file of the ODE simulation. It runs the MATLAB ODE % solver and plots the output, which reproduces figure 2 in the paper % Chen(2004) (NB: only the plot of variables mass,BUD,ORI and SPN). clc; clear all; % This calls the function (variable name) so that the variables are % recognized by their name rather than y(1), y(2)...- see comments % in function for details variable_name; % y0 is a vector containing the initial conditions for the system of ODEs, % which are defined in the function "initial_conds" y0 = initial_conds; % Integration parameters - t0 is the time the simulation runs from, and tf % the final time. To generate figure 2 of Chen(2004), use t0=0 & tf=210 t0=0; tf=210; % "options" is used in the ODE solver below. The event here refers to the % reset rules, as defined in Chen(2004) page 3845. options=odeset('Events',@event_yeast,'RelTol',1e-4,'AbsTol',1e-6); % Setting variables for the numerical integration tout=t0; % tout contains the time values integrated over yout=y0.'; % yout contains the conc. values for each variable in the ODEs teout = []; % The "e" means events, te is the time when the event takes place yeout = []; % ye is the y(value of all variables) when the event takes place. ieout = []; % the "e" refers to the event."i" is the index of event. index ie=1 means one event while t0= tf break; end end %% PLotting % Here we plot the graphs of the concentrations of the variables over % time, and reproduce Chen(2004) figure 2 (NB: only the plot of variables % mass,BUD,ORI and SPN) figure; plot(tout,yout(:,nMASS),'b') hold on plot(tout,yout(:,nBUD),'r') hold on plot(tout,yout(:,nORI),'g') hold on plot(tout,yout(:,nSPN),'k') hold on legend('MASS','BUD','ORI','SPN') title('Budding Yeast ODE Model Chen(2004)') xlabel('Time') ylabel('Concentration') ylim([0 4]) xlim([0 tf])