Modeling the Budding Yeast Cell Cycle

CLB5-db∆ pds1∆ cdc20∆

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Change of parameters: kdb5"=0, ks1pds"=ks2pds"=0, ks20'=ks20"=0.
Length of G1 phase: 34.5 min.
Arrest: Telophase arrest.


Wasch, R. and Cross, F. (2002). APC-dependent proteolysis of the mitotic cyclin Clb2 is essential for mitotic exit. Nature 418:556-562.
[Abstract] [Article]
Experimental results: Fig. 1, telophase arrest.
Comments: This shows that Cdc20 has other essential targets beside Clb5 and Pds1, namely Clb2.