Modeling the Budding Yeast Cell Cycle

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This model simulates mutants reported by Thornton & Toczyski, 2003 that lack the essential function of APC but rescued by simultaneous deletion of PDS1 and CLB5 genes and insertion of multicopies of the genomic SIC1 gene.

Thornton, B.R., Chen, K.C., Cross, F.R., Tyson, J.J. and Toczyski, D.P. (2004). Cycling without the cyclosome: modeling a yeast strain lacking the APC. Cell Cycle 3:629-633.
[Reference Link]

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  ode set
Winpp format apc-del.ode apc-del.set
Xpp format apc-del_xpp.ode apc-del_xpp.set